Satan's Shrine where I leaned some new shouts, and I'm good at it!

I was playing Skyrim. I was looking at my map, and I see a dragon shrine or whatever the fuck they are called. It was called "Satan's Shrine". I travelled to it, but I kept being killed by mudcrabs on the way. finally when I got past them, I arrived at Satan's Shrine. I didn't see a dragon, so I absorbed the writing on the wall and I learned a new shout called "NULL". I was confused by this. Then... Satan appeared. He looked dope as fuck. I talked to Satan with the interact button, and he said "Hey bitch. Why are you learning shit here? Go back now." One of the dialogue options were "You what, mate? I have you know I am trained in guerrilla warfare. I chose that.
He killed me with a daedric sword. I respawned in Satan's Shrine again, and he was there. I chose the Guerrilla Warfare option again. He ran at me with his sword again, and I used the Null Shout. He flew off the snowy cliff, and I won. That shout is fucking awesome, and I'm good at it now. 20 years later, I retired from pro Skyrim gaming and I became a Nazi. 30 years later, Im died of old age. Also I died of dick cancer.